Yuki Cross 's earliest memory is of being attacked by a vampire and being saved by Kaname Kuran, who is also a vampire. This is a free fanmade forum and does not have any profit More Characters. Age: >3000 Height: 186c Vampire Knight, script and characters belong to Matsuri Hino and all rights are reserved to its creator and to the equivalant media that distribute the manga and anime series. Height: 170cm Rank: Pureblood Respected person: The vampire ancestor Type of person she likes: Kaname-sama-Kuran Rido / çŽ–è˜ æŽåœŸ. Wanted to become Kaname's guardian, but was rejected by him.-Shirabuki Sara / 白è Other points to note: Also known as Ichiou.

Together with Zero, she is the school guardian of Cross Academy

Kiryū Zero?) is unique being both a Vampire Hunter and a vampire. Yuki is the adopted daughter of the headmaster of Cross Academy, a 16 year old first year student who wields.

Zero Kiryu (éŒç”Ÿ 零, KiryÅ« Zero) is unique being both a vampire hunter and a vampire. Yuki Cross / Yuki Kuran (黒主 優姫 / çŽ–è˜ å„ªå§«, Kurosu YÅ«ki / Kuran YÅ«ki) is the adopted daughter of the Headmaster. Home Vampire Knight characters List of Vampire Knight characters - Wikipedi